

I have lynks disease and deep root disease and also problems disorder so if you observe errative behavior do not be alarmed. Also I haven't written html since I was 13 on warrior cats roleplaying chatrooms so if this looks like straight dogshit please be understanding. I'm learning Korean and would love to practice. Don't ask me about Kpop tho I don't really know much about it. MILF Enthusiast & Time Abolitionist.

I like video games! Some of my favorites are:

My favorite consoles are the 3DS, the Gamecube, the Ouya, and the Gameclam.

I also really like Vocalsynths! I own Saki standard, Tonio, Avanna, and Zunko. If you'd like to recommend any songs I could cover for practice I'd be happy to. :) I also am studying poetry and really enjoy reading and writing it.

Source of these great vocasynth pieces.